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Writer's pictureLorraine A

Mobile-First: Optimize your marketing to reach customers where they are.

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

Optimize your marketing to reach customers where they are

The mobile phone has transcended its role as a mere communication tool. It’s now an indispensable part of our lives—a virtual extension of ourselves. Gone are the days when mobile phones were a luxury only the elite could afford. Today, they are nearly as essential as food, water, and shelter. From tracking your steps to organising your day, your mobile phone is your personal assistant, your entertainment hub, and increasingly, your primary gateway to the internet.

With 98.1% of global internet traffic now coming from mobile devices and a staggering 100% in Kenya alone as of January 2024, it’s clear that if you’re not optimising your marketing for mobile, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity. So, how can you ensure your marketing efforts reach customers right where they are—on their mobile devices?

Internet overview in Kenya: 2022 - Infographic
Internet and mobile overview in Kenya: 2024

1. Responsive Website Design: The Non-Negotiable Standard

Have you ever visited a website on your phone, only to be frustrated by images that don’t fit the screen, or text so small you have to zoom in? That’s the opposite of a good user experience. A responsive website design adapts to the user’s device, whether it’s an iPad, mobile phone, or laptop. Everything—from image size to text font to content layout—should automatically adjust to provide the best possible experience.

Does your website offer a seamless experience across all devices?

  • Yes, we’ve optimized for all.

  • No, we’re still working on it.

  • Not sure—need to check!

If you haven’t already embraced responsive design, now is the time. Not only does it improve user satisfaction, but it also boosts your search engine ranking. Google and other search engines prioritise mobile-friendly websites in their search results. Today, a responsive design isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must.

2. Think Mobile-First: Prioritise the Small Screen

When designing a website, many start with the desktop version and then scale down to mobile. But what if you flipped that script? By adopting a mobile-first approach, you begin with the smallest and least powerful device—typically a mobile phone—and then build up. This approach ensures that your website functions flawlessly on mobile devices, which is essential since that’s where most of your traffic is coming from.

Consider this: features like hover effects work great with a mouse on a desktop but are useless on a touchscreen. By thinking mobile-first, you focus on what’s most important for your users on the go—simplicity, speed, and functionality.

When was the last time you reviewed your website's mobile user experience?

  • Within the last 6 months

  • Over a year ago

  • Never - this is a wake-up call!

Mobile optimization also significantly impacts your SEO. Google has shifted to mobile-first indexing, meaning it predominantly uses the mobile version of your site for ranking and indexing. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re likely losing out on valuable organic traffic.

3. Link Shortening: Keep It Clean and Efficient

Long URLs can be cumbersome, especially on mobile devices where screen space is limited. When sharing links via SMS or social media, shortened links not only look cleaner but also reduce the risk of them being cut off or broken. Moreover, shorter links are easier to share and can even reduce marketing costs when you’re paying per character, such as in SMS campaigns.

Are you using link-shortening tools for your marketing campaigns?

  • Always, it's a standard practice.

  • Sometimes, but not consistently.

  • No, but I'm considering it now.

Using tools like Bitly or Google’s URL Shortener can also provide valuable analytics, such as click-through rates and geographic data, helping you refine your marketing strategies.

4. Quick Links: Speed Up the User Journey

Mobile users are often on the move and looking for quick answers. Don’t make them dig through layers of content to find what they need. Incorporate quick links and a search bar on your mobile site to help users find what they’re looking for in seconds.

Imagine this scenario: A potential customer visits your site to find your contact information. If it’s buried under multiple menus, they might give up and go to a competitor. Quick links to key information like your contact page, product categories, or services can significantly improve user experience and conversion rates.

Does your mobile site offer easy access to key information?

  • Yes, users can find what they need quickly.

  • No, it's something we need to work on.

  • Not sure - time for a review!

At Qallann Marketing Agency, we understand that optimizing your marketing strategy for mobile is no longer optional—it’s essential. By implementing responsive design, adopting a mobile-first mindset, using link-shortening tools, and offering quick access to key information, you can ensure that your marketing reaches your audience where they are: on their mobile devices.

Need more tips or technical support on optimizing your marketing for mobile? Contact us today, and let’s take your digital strategy to the next level!


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